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July 1994


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Chris White <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Jul 1994 15:13:54 PST
text/plain (39 lines)
> >On Tue, 19 Jul 1994, Denise Bryson wrote:
> Or "I was  disturbed by the depiction of furry mammals in Return
> of the Jedi" is currently given more credence than "What about
> the Ewoks evoked audience response, and why do we think people
> really gave a darn  about the overgrown teddybears, anyway?"
Denise, I think what you've done in the above statement is make the
case for those of us who contend that "entertaining" films that
demonstrate, and possibly foster, hateful behaviors are among the
most dangerous kind.  I, personally, think it is quite ludicrous for
anyone to think that a film that sets certain characters up as
heroes, and then has them act in reprehensible ways, would *not*
have an effect on many of the viewers who are "entertained" by it.
Certainly, Denise, there is a question as to whether a person with a
high degree of intelligence or common sense could possibly be
adversely affected by the bombardment of questionable actions carried
out by fictitious characters.  But, if I grant you that some people
leave unscathed, you should grant me that some people *are* affected.
As far as your above Ewok question, what if it read, "What about the
Rambo-evoked audience response, and why do we think people really
give a darn about the endless bloodshed, anyway?"  Kind of puts things
in a whole new light, doesn't it?  Teddy bears are not what frighten
me about this subject.
> =      Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot      =
> =       change, the strength to change those things I can, and        =
> =         the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I've killed          =
> =          because they PISSED ME OFF|   - Anonymous -                =
> =======================================================================
Well, that's certainly entertaining!
Chris White