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July 1994


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Ramona Curry <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 17 Jul 1994 08:49:13 CDT
text/plain (25 lines)
A friend of mine, a scholar of comparative literature at the Freie Univesitaet
Berlin, will be spending 15. Aug. - 31 Dec. at the University of California at
Berkeley.  She would like to rent her large apartment in SW Berlin during that
period, and has asked me (actually a while ago, but I just now am able to get
onto email) to pass the word.   She herself is generally on email but her
account is out-of-commission until July 25, so anyone interested should please
contact her at the tel. and fax numbers given below, asap.
The apartment has four sunny rooms plus newly remodeled kitchen and bath (incl.
washing machine and dishwasher-- though it's a 19th cent. highceilinged place!)
and is located on a quiet, leafy street near a park and shops (also near
the cemetery in which Marlene Dietrich is buried!)  It really makes a beautiful
retreat after a day of research in Berlin archives, I know from experience!
The rent (quite low for Berlin standards) is DM 1954/ month, including all
utilities.  Wish I myself had fall semester off to spend it there!
Anyone who is in that fortunate circumstance and is looking for Berlin lodging
should contact Barbara Naumann or Edgar Pankow directly at Berlin telephone no.
(030)821-6566 or fax no. (030) 838-6419.  Please feel free to share this info
with others you think might be interested.  I myself will be away from email
through the end of July, so won't be able to field or pass along any inquiries.
Ramona Curry  Dept. of English  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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