<stuff Deleted>
>around here lately. I also appreciate the respectful tone in which
>she presented her findings, much different than most of that coming
>from those to whom she was responding, and also more than I would
>probably have been able to muster. I hope we all can follow the
>example she has so ably set.
> Stephen Brophy
> Cambridge, Mass.
Thanks, Dad. I'm sure we're all appropriately chastised now. Shall
we go to bed without any supper, or is it time for the belt? We'll
never do it again, I'm sure. We know now that getting angry is a
very bad thing to do unless you're on the right side of the issue,
and we'll certainly traipse off into our rooms where we belong.
(How could you not see the LACK of respect in that last
sanctimonious tag line up there? Or was this merely a last rhetorical
grandstanding against those nasty, rotten folks who don't couch every
argument in enough qualifiers to bury them? "Those awful people---
Gee, I'm glad I'm not as bad as THEM!" Geez.)
Denise Bryson, Language and Literature
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= The quotation herein is guaranteed not to offend individuals =
= (whether members of a group or not) on the basis of race, =
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= musical taste, level of education, artistic yen, =
= caf or decaf, colorblindness, or any other =
= distinguishing characteristics whatever. =