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June 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Guy Rosefelt <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Jun 1994 12:08:17 U
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Mail*Link(r) SMTP               RE>Re[2]- Falling Down
>>> >>Feeling a bit sarcastic and generally displeased with hypocrisy in
>>> >>any form,
>>> >>Denise, who wonders why the public is so STUPID sometimes.
>>> Ooohh... attitude.  I like that in a woman.
>>> Guy
>>I'm sure Denise would want to thank you for validating her point
>>regarding the prevalence of stupidity in the public, Guy.  Here's
>>something for you to think about, should you ever choose to pursue
>>such activity:  Sarcasm is a wonderful tool in the right (capable)
>>hands, but when one mixes in sexism, or racism, or any other
>>cro-magnon ideology, the point being made tends to take a backseat
>>to the display of ignorance.
Gee, based upon her correspondence on the list, I would think that Denise is
perfectly capable of defending herself.  As I have not heard from her, I can
infer one of three things: 1) she hasn't read the message, 2) she has read
the message, but hasn't responded yet, or 3) she wasn't moved enough by my
sarcastic to warrant comment.  Only Denise knows.
As for sarcasm, it is a wonderful tool in the right hands and if the
recipient is intelligent enough to get the joke.  Obviously, some people
missed the point even while referring to it.
>>If your response was intended to be humorous, or tongue-in-cheek,
>>perhaps you should have put a disclaimer on it, so that those of us
>>who are truly offended by such statements could have interpreted it
>>as such.
>>- Chris W.
I could have put a smilely face on it, but that would have lessened the
effect of the sarcasm and make more of a joke.  In what way did you find the
comment offensive, especially in the context presented.