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May 1994


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Alison McKee <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 May 1994 22:53:00 PDT
text/plain (30 lines)
I am looking for information regarding snuff films and am finding it enormously
difficult to come by (not that I find this surprising). In this instance, I am
not interested in critical or theoretical approaches to the concept of snuff,
but rather in information surrounding its possible production and circulation.
If anyone can shed light on some of the following questions or issues
or knows of a source that might, please post replies directly to me.
1.  Is there any kind of consensus regarding the existence (or lack thereof)
of genuine snuff?  (I know of the film titled "Snuff" which was later
discovered to have been an elaborate simulation, and I have also read
what Linda Williams has to say on the subject in *Hard Core*).
2.  Presuming that such films exist, when are they thought to have been
made?  And where?
3.  Has a snuff film actually ever come to light, and if so, where has it
been documented?
4.  Does anyone have any suggestions about where to go or whom to contact for
information on the subject?  I'm not convinced that the usual academic
information sources are going to be of much help in this venture, and I'm
wondering how to proceed.
Many thanks for help with a not-particularly-pleasant issue.
Alison McKee
Department of Film and Television
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