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May 1994


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Shawn Levy <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 29 May 1994 10:05:58 -0700
text/plain (25 lines)
On Sun, 29 May 1994, Brian Goldfarb wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can rent a copy of
> the film "The Lunch Date"--A colleague of mine is trying
> to locate it but he doesn't know the director's name, only that
> it won an Oscar for best short in 1991.
The director is Adam Davidson or Davison (his father, Gordon, is the
impressario of a major theater company in LA).  It's a short film and
therefore probably not available for rental.  There was some small
controversy around the film (which also won a first film prize of some
sort at Cannes) because there were charges that it was completely cribbed
from another picture.  Though the two films were very similar, however, a
reasonable case was made in the LA Times for Davi(d)son's never having
had access to the other film.  And, in fact, both are based on widely
circulated urban legends.  As for "Lunch Date," it is rather sweet and
accomplished -- B&W, almost without dialogue, wistful even.  Good luck
tracking it down.
All best,
     Shawn Levy      |  "Jove courted Danae with golden love,
[log in to unmask]  |   But you're no Danae and I'm no Jove."