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April 1994


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Apr 1994 17:37:14 CST
text/plain (33 lines)
    I've been thinking about opening a gateway between SCREEN-L and
    Netnews is a bulletin board system in which articles on a variety of
    topics are arranged in "newsgroups" and stored in a shared location
    from which individual users can read them.  These newsgroups can be
    shared with other sites to form a world-wide bulletin board system
    called Usenet.
    If we were to connect SCREEN-L with Netnews it would mean that SCREEN-L
    would appear on Usenet as a newsgroup named bit.listserv.screen-l.
    (There are already newsgroups called bit.listserv.cinema-l and  Persons who have access to Usenet could then
    subscribe to bit.listserv.screen-l and read all the messages posted on
    SCREEN-L, without going through the normal LISTSERV subscription
    process and having their name placed on the SCREEN-L subscription list.
    Usenet patron could also post messages on SCREEN-L, by sending them
    through this gateway.
    Usenet is an immense, international bulletin board system.  If we were
    to gate into it it might increase the volume of messages on SCREEN-L,
    but it would also extend SCREEN-L's reach to persons who might not
    normally subscribe to a LISTSERV.
    Anyway, it's an idea I'm toying with.  Any thoughts pro or con?
    Jeremy Butler
    SCREEN-L Coordinator
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