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April 1994


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Kali Tal <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 24 Apr 1994 09:36:18 -0400
text/plain (267 lines)
        Second Annual Conference
        November 4-6, 1994
        Sponsored by _Viet Nam Generation_ and hosted by
        Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT
        Call for papers, session proposals, readings, performance
        art pieces, and workshops.
        Deadline for proposals:  July 15, 1994.
The First Annual Sixties Generations conference was held March 4-6, 1993,
in Fairfax, Virginia.  It was sponsored by _Viet Nam Generation_ and the
American Studies, Film Studies and African American Studies Programs of
George Mason University.  Sixty academic paper presentations, eight poetry
and prose readings, one play reading and a concert filled three days.  We
also held a full-day roundtable discussion, "On the Sixties in the
Nineties," featuring participants who were activists in the Sixties and
continue to be so today, including activists in SNCC, SDS, the Black
Panther Party, the Yippies, various racial/ethnic formation, antiwar
formations, political formations, women's groups and cultural workers.
The event was such a success that _Viet Nam Generation_ decided to do it
again this year.  [Last year's program is appended to this Call for
Papers.] We welcome submissions in all disciplines, in all topic areas
related to the 1960s in the U.S. and internationally.
Please send abstracts (250-500 words) describing your individual
presentations, or collections of abstracts describing your panel proposals.
Panel sessions will be 90 minutes.  Folks interested in putting together
whole panels should limit the number of presenters to three, and hold the
length of individual presentations down to 20 minutes each, so that
sufficient time will be left for audience responses.
We welcome individual paper submissions on any topic related to the 1960s.
Individual presenters should also limit their presentations to 20 minutes.
We will assemble individual presenters into panels.
If you are interested in reading prose or poetry, submit samples of your
work (and tapes of previous of readings, if available).  Readings will be
limited to 25 minutes per reader.
We will consider videos, films, and performance art pieces of up to 45
minutes in length.  Please send samples, tapes, video clips, or whatever
documentation is most suitable for your medium.
Activists interested in putting on workshops at the conference can propose
either 40 minute or 90 minute sessions.  Please send a description of the
workshop and related materials or publications.
We welcome innovative ideas, so if you have an idea that doesn't seem to
fit into one of the categories described above, write and tell us about it.
Submit proposals either in hard-copy or over email to:
        _Viet Nam Generation_
        18 Center Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525
        Fax: 203/389-6104       email: [log in to unmask]
*MARCH 4-6, 1993*
Thursday, March 4
5:00-7:00pm     Welcome Reception
                Cash bar
8:30-10:00pm    Play Reading:  Cellophane Xerox
Friday, March 5
Panel 1:  Reinterpreting the Sixties I
"Still Blowin' in the Wind: Reinterpreting the 1960s in the 1990s,"
Cathey Calloway, Arkansas State Univ; "The Sixties as Great
Awakening," Dr. David Williams, GMU"Rewriting the Sixties: How
Current Cable Television Program Guidelines Create a Revisionist
Look at the Events of the Decade," James M. Forsher
Panel 2: Environmentalism in the Sixties:  Association for the Study of
Literature and Environment
"Corporate Culture and the Commodification of Environmental Concern,"
Matthew Crane, Crozet, VA; "The Contrariness of Edward Abbey," Patrick
Stejskal, Univ of Virginia; "More Notes on 'Camp,'" Dan Philippon,
Charlottesville, VA; "You Say You Want a Revolution: Environmental Reform
in the Literature of the 1860s and 1960s," Michael Branch
Panel 3: Reinterpreting the Sixties II
"Pedagogy & Polarity: Understanding the Viet Nam War," Dan
Scripture, UCSC; "Paradigms Lost: How Higher Education Killed
the Sixties in America," John Milam, GMU; "Under the Counter
Culture: Subtexts of the 60s, the 80s, and the 90s," Kim Worthy,
Wagner College
Panel 4: Reinterpreting the Sixties III
"Again: The Drug Culture of the Sixties," Carolyn Buckley-
LaRocque, GMU; "Lock and Load High School: The Landmark Battle
Over the War in Vietnam and Free Speech at University High
School, 1965-1970," Marc Jason Gilbert, North Georgia College;
"'68: Gendering the Face of Political Action," Leah D. Hackleman,
Bowling Green State Univ
Panel 5:  Gender, Sex, Nation:  (Re)conceiving the Black Body
        Marita Golden
        Marilyn Mobley
        Robert Carr
Panel 6:  Sixties Literatures
"Officers Don't Cry: The Poetry of B.D. Trail," Dan Duffy, Viet Nam
Forum, Viet Nam Generation; "Backwash Novels and the Vietnam
War," Victoria E. McLure, South Plains College;
"Laughing at Fathers and Titans: Thomas Pynchon's Masculinist
Gigantism," Wes Chapman, Illinois Wesleyan Univ
Panel 7: International Perspectives
"Five U.S. Wars in Asia," Renny Christopher, UCSC; "American
Countercultural Representations of India and Hegemonic
Discourse," Mike Youngblood, Univ  of Wisconsin; "What Were
Those Viet Cong Women Really Up To?" Lady Borton;"The Role of
the American Exile Community  in the Viet Nam Era Anti-war
Movement," Jack Calhoun
Panel 8:  Reinterpreting the Sixties IV
"Recollection or Recognition: Negotiating the 'Sixties' as Concrete
Utopia," Tom Moylan, GMU; "History, Popular Culture and the Viet
Nam War," Andrew Martin, Univ of Wisconsin; "The Other Sixties,"
Paul Lyons, Richard Stockton State College
5:30-7:30pm     Poetry Reading
        Vince Gotera, Jive Talk: Poems on Growing Up
                Filipino-American in the 60s
        Renny Christopher, Viet Nam and California
        M.L. Liebler: Hippie Baseball
        Christopher Leland, Memory Tapes
8:30pm  Poetry Reading & Reception
        Rod Kane
        W.D. Ehrhart
        David Connolly
        Wayne Karlin
        Rod Kane is the author of Veteran's Day. W.D. Ehrhart is the
author of several narratives, including Vietnam-Perkasie, Passing Time,
and Going Back, as well as essays and poetry in cluding Just for Laughs,
Winter Bells, The Outer Banks, and To Those Who Have Gone Home Tired.
David Connally 's first book of poetry, Lost in America, will be published
this year. Wayne Karlin is the author of four novels: Crossover, Lost
Armies, The Extras, and US.
Saturday, March 6
Roundtable Discussion:  "On the Sixties in the Nineties"
10:00am-1:00pm and 2:00-5:00pm
The day long Roundtable will feature participants who were
activists in the 60's and continue to be so now.  People who were
active in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Students
for a Democratic Society, the Black Panther Party, the Yippies,
various racial/ethnic formations, antiwar formations, political
formations, or women's groups, as well as cultural workers will be
part of the Roundtable.
The intention of the Roundtable is to get beyond the ideological
traps of nostalgic reminiscences or cynical dismissal of the
movements of the 60's.  Rather, we hope to achieve a serious
reflection on what was fought for, learned, lost, and gained in those
years.  Yet, we also hope for a further discussion centered on the
dreams and the means of the 60's as they continue today--older,
wiser, and multiple and diverse.
The morning session will focus on recollections and reflections on
people's involvement in movement work in the 60's.  The afternoon
session will focus on the value of the lessons and the continuing
agendas and methods of the 60's movements as they affect the
work of social justice in the 90's.
We encourage conference participants to drop in on the Roundtable
and join the ongoing discussion. Roundtable participants are also
urged to visit other conference events and to join us for a cash bar,
reception, and concert at the conclusion of the discussion.
Conference Panels
Panel 9:  Viet Nam War Film  I
"Viet Nam War Film," Cynthia Fuchs; "The Heart of Darkness Motif
in Vietnam War Texts," David L. Erben, Univ of South Florida;
"Warren Beatty and the Draft," Katherine Kinney, UC Riverside
Panel 10: Sixties Popular Culture
"Folk Songs and Allusions to Folks Songs in the Repertoire of the
Grateful Dead," Josephine A. McQuail, Tennessee Tech Univ;
"Beatles, Beach Boys, Leave It To Beaver, Mustangs, GTO's
Freedom Marches, a sexual revolution, a war and PTSD," John
Ketwig; "Talking about the Beatles," Bernie Sanders
Panel 11: Performing Arts
"Planet Shakespeare:  The Bard in Cold War America" Susan Fox,
Washington, DC; "Shakespeare, Kerouac & Hedrick," Donald K.
Hedrick, Kansas State Univ; "West African Dance and Race/Culture
and Gender Identity in Los Angeles African American
Communities," Phylise Smith, UCLA
Panel 12: Reinterpreting the Sixties V
"Peace Through Law: John Seiberling's Vision of World Order,"
Miriam Jackson, Kent, OH; "Reverend Malcolm Boyd and Bishop
Paul Moore, Jr.," Michael B. Friedland, Boston College; Eros on the
New Frontier: The Limits of Liberal Tolerance," Louis J. Kern,
Hofstra Univ
Panel 13: The Viet Nam War
"The National Liberation Front in South Viet Nam," Ton That Manh
Tuong; "The Tet Offensive and Middletown: A Study in
Contradiction," Anthony O. Edmonds;"The Impact of the American
Antiwar Movement on the South Vietnamese Urban Youth Struggle
Movement," Nguyen Huu Thai
Panel 14: Viet Nam War Film/Drama II
"Decentering Genre: Vietnam War Films and Portrayal of Reality,"
Catherine E. Richardson, Chattanooga, TN; "The Death of the
Sixties: Easy Rider & and Deliverance," Margie Burns, Cheverly,
MD;"Luis Valdez and Teatro Campesino," Dave DeRose, Yale Univ
Panel 15: Music
"Folkore of the Viet Nam War," Lydia Fish, SUNY-Buffalo;
"In Country Songs," Chuck Rosenberg; "Pilot Songs of the Viet Nam
War," Chip Dockery
7:30pm  Concert & Reception
        O.V. Hirsch
        Chip Dockery
        Chuck Rosenberg