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February 1994


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Sterling <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Feb 1994 20:44:00 EST
text/plain (63 lines)
My sincere apologies to P. O'Connell and the rest of you screen-listers.
I didn't realize what an unfair position I had put you in.  I hope
none of this has caused any harm--those who wished to know more but
were aware that, by asking for info, others would associate you with
Nazis or such.  I respect the courage it took to write.
Although the biggest reason I failed to include the address is because
I did not have the ad on hand (since I was doing it for a friend), I
must admit that I initially felt uncomfortable, suspicious, accusatory
what not when I first read the request for the address.
To spare others the unfair consequences, I have obtained a copy of the
ad and typed it all out (or at least the best possible email equivalent)
.  Again, I am told that:
         --David Cole denies the Holocaust ever happened
         --the Simon Wisenthal Center (misspelled?) in LA has been track
            ing Cole's tactics for some time now
         --Yehuda Bauer does exist, BUT HAS NEVER SEEN THE VIDEO
So that, as with anything, take the ad with a grain of salt.
(Do I have qualms that I am just further promoting Cole's business and
alleged misinformation?  Yes.  But I do hope that this help people real-
ize how sick and twisted thing can get and to again question the author
ity, power, validity of film and other mass media.  In this I guess this
is relevant to screen-l.)
--Sterling Chen ([log in to unmask])
If you have seen a similar ad, please send me a response.
Jewish documentary film maker David Cole has produced a shocking,
absolutely unique video on Auschwitz.  You will see and hear things in
this video that are not even hinted at in Speilberg's "Schindler's List"
"A powerful video..." (Yehuda Bauer, Director of Holocaust Studies at
Hebrew University)
See the physical layout of the camp put in perspective for the first
time on film.  Learn how Polish tour guides garble the true history of
the Auschwitz gassing chamber.  And witness a fascinating interview with
Dr. Franciszek Piper, curator of the Auschwitz Museum, during which he
reveals facts about Auschwitz to David Cole never before alluded to on
This very unusual offer is being run in selected college newspapers only
.  The 60-minute video, "David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,"
sells for $50 in the U.S. and Europe.  For a limited time you can obtain
this one-of-a-kind documentary for $14.95 -- postpaid!
   Why are we making this singular special offer?  To provide informa-
tion about the Auschwitz story that almost certainly you will never get
from any other source at your campus.  This is a milestone historical
documentary!  The price is right.  Order now!
$14.95 (post paid!)
(This offer may be cancelled at any time!)
make checks and moeny orders payable to:
D & B Productions
P.O. Box 3267  Viaslia CA  93278