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January 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Jan 1994 13:20:55 EST
text/plain (31 lines)
* I saw "ShadowLands" Saturday night, and was extremely impressed.
* I love a movie that tells a small story in a big way, like this
* one does.  Debra Winger is very good, and Anthony Hopkins is
* nothing short of amazing.  His performance has a wonderful depth
* to it that is all too rare in films these days.  If he's not the
* best film actor working today, then John Hughes doesn't make
* movies about kids.  He could very well walk away with the Best
* Actor Oscar this spring.
For that or Remains of the Day...
speaking of, has anyone seen Philadelphia? How is Emma Thompson in that?
Everybody seems to be working together--she and Denzel share Much Ado
About Nothing, she and Hopkins share RofD, etc.
I doubt they'd give her the Oscar two years running, even though she
was excellent in the two I've seen. Best actress going these days.
Hopkins may get a run for his money from Kevin Costner, strangely enough.
arning: thread starter!
Mark Bunster                      |Exchange conversation if you dare--
Survey Research Lab--VCU          |Share an empty thought or a laugh.
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