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December 1993


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Dirk Eitzen <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Dec 1993 21:58:15 -0500
text/plain (18 lines)
>For my introductory film course for undergraduate education majors (paired
>with an education course on literacy and whole language) I tried showing
>"Sherman's March" as an example of a kind of direct first person film that
>connects the personal and the political.  The problem is, the film is about a
>half-hour too long and bogs down too much at first with an extended profile of
>a would-be actress who is not very sympathetic.  So many of the students didn't
>connect.  I'm trying to come up with other first person films that might work
>better with this class, which is mostly female.
        I get a digest of Screen-L and am always a little behind the times.
 Forgive me if I'm reiterating others' ideas.
        There's nothing I know of quite like "Sherman's March", but try
Lise Yasui's "Family Gathering", and two less conventional 1st-person films
by women, Jill Godmilow's "Far from Poland" (somewhat dated in its topic,
of course) and Michelle Citron's "Daughter Rite".  Also, you might look at
"Waiting for Fidel" and Michael Rubbo's other first-person explorations,
made for the National Film Board of Canada.