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May 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 May 1993 09:35:19 EST
text/plain (15 lines)
Three which come to mind:  It Happened One Night, Smokey and the Bandit,
and a late 60's, early 70's film called, I believe, Vanishing Point.  I very
vaguely remember this film:  a guy (Barry ??? was the actor who later starred
as a lawyer in a t.v. series of the same name I think). So anyway this guy
is delivering a (hot?) car from one point to another and has a very limited
amount of time in which to do it so pumps caffeine and uppers into himself
to stay awake and has weird adventures along the way (including one with snakes
which took me years to forget), and it has a rather startling ending I (again)
vaguely remember.  I believe I liked it except for the snake scene, but I was
mostly a kid then so what did I know?  If you find the film, let me know who
the actor is/was -- it's going to drive me crazy for days.  - C.J., O+
P.S.  Didn't John Wayne get skewered into a door at the end of The Alamo - I
vaguely remember bursting into tears when the door swung open and he was
impaled upon it.  At least I think it was J.W.