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May 1993


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Denis Simard <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 May 1993 12:57:28 -0400
text/plain (46 lines)
On Mon, 10 May 1993, Paul Younghouse wrote:
> In reply to Rick Francis's question concerning Chomsky and film:
> Not assuming anything about your background in recent film studies,
> this general approach to film would fall into "cognitive film
> theory," an area I have considerable interest in.
> Of course, David Bordwell is the big kahuna of CFT, but his approach
> strikes me as less like Chomsky's generative syntax and more like
> Lakoff's generative semantics.  See Bordwell, _Making Meaning_
> (Harvard U., 1989).  I think Jack Carroll's work is closer to
> Chomsky, see John M. Carroll _Toward a Structural Psychology of
> Cinema_ (Mouton, 1980).  For analysis of film in a way that is
> inspired, I guess, by Chomskyian concerns, though not heavily
> theorized, see Stefan Sharff _The Elements of Cinema_ (Columbia U.,
> 1982).
> There are, of course, other items out there, but I haven't
> time to put together a bibliography.  Noel Carroll is something of a
> cognitivist, but of the analytic philosophy school, mostly.  Edward
> Branigan also ranks in there, I haven't yet read his latest.
> Jack Anderson is trying to put a book out; his work is oriented
> toward perception, following J.J. Gibson on "direct perception."
> Of course this stuff has not been shaped by concerns of
> Althusser- Lacan, Metz, or Foucault-oriented film studies.
> Consequently, we are somewhat marginalized in contemporary
> discussions of film.
> This may be more than you wanted, but I can offer more with a little
> more preparation.  Ask [log in to unmask], but please be
> patient.
> Paul Younghouse               ||
For those interested in a Chomskian and cognitive approach in film theory,
and who can read french and have no fear about Althusser or Lacan, there
are two very good books from the same author that may be read:
  - Michel Colin, _Langue, film, discours. Prolegomenes a une semiologie
    generative du film_ (Klincksieck, Paris, 1982)
  - Michel Colin, _Film, television, cognitivisme_ (Klincksieck, Paris, 1992)
        DENIS SIMARD                    Universite de Montreal
        ([log in to unmask])