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March 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 6 Mar 1993 11:06:26 CST
text/plain (19 lines)
   Amanda Aaron wanted to know a bit more about the women's professional base-
ball leagues in the U.S. Midwest in the 1940s-1950s. Without wishing to reopen
the debates about objectivity/subjectivity in documentary (I myself concur with
Henry Jenkins' points on this one), I might note that there are two short docu-
mentary videotapes about the leagues, both made by women videomakers ca. 1987.
 One of the docs is entitled _A League of Her Own_ and was reportedly an
inspiration/partial basis for the feature film; the other, by Janis Taylor,
makes what I consider a less nostalgic or sentimental argument about the
leagues' existence than I think either the other doc or the feature do.
    Unfortunately, I don't have all the videographic or distribution informa-
tion on either docu at hand, but perhaps someone else on SCREEN-L does. The
Chicago women's film and video festival organization "Women in the Director's
Chair" would probably also be able to provide such information. Address:
3435 N. Sheffield Ave., Chicago, IL 60657, Tel. (312) 281-4988 (after ca.
Mar. 30, as the annual festival is going on in mid-March.)
Ramona Curry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign