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February 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 6 Feb 1993 18:44:10 -0600
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Please bear with me this is my first try at putting my own "2 cents" worth
to the discussion group.  I am curious as to if anyone has seen Cyberpunk
and what their views on it are.  After viewing the movie I felt it takes
a person's whole attention.  You can not be doing anything other than
viewing this movie.  It is very interesting as what technology is already
available and what can be available in the future.  It does raise some
ethics issues.  What should a person be able to access?  What is considered
a crime; if a hacker just views the files or when they steal them?  I am
a student at St Catherine's in Minnesota.  This is one of the movie's that
we had to view for the class.  Each movie we are asked to view leads to
some discussion of technology and ethics issues.  The movie's seem to look
at the past and future.  If any one would like to personally respond to me
I am Debbie Persing at  [log in to unmask]