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February 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mark Ritchie <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 Feb 1993 15:58:52 EST
Message of Fri, 12 Feb 1993 14:11:48 EST from <KOS@CUNYVMS1>
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
On Fri, 12 Feb 1993 14:11:48 EST Bob Kosovsky said:
>On Thu, 11 Feb 1993 23:00:48 EST Cal Pryluck <[log in to unmask]> said:
>>>I'm curious: why is a complelete filmography of Zazu Pitts needed?
>To which Mark Ritchie <[log in to unmask]> answered:
>>We are updating the biographic index to our Media catalogue and have
>>reached ZaSu Pitts on our list of notable personalities.  She appeared
>>in numerous important films (Greed, All Quiet On The Western Front, etc.)
>Hm.  I had read about the two versions of ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT,
>one for (generally) American distribution - the one we are familiar with
>today, and a silent version (for European distribution) which is the version
>that had Zasu Pitts.  Has anybody seen this silent version and can you
>compare it to the sound version?  Thanks also to Mark for the union list
Sorry for the posting without a comment, fat-finger syndrome.
In the Silent version ZaSu Pitts played Frau Baumer, in the sound
version ZaSu was cut and Beryl Mercer played Frau Baumer.
Mark Ritchie                   | Tel: (519) 888-4070
Media Librarian                | Fax: (519) 888-6197
Audio-Visual Centre            |
University of Waterloo         | Internet: [log in to unmask]