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February 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Feb 1993 13:31:11 -0500
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
        Treading into the whole liberal press/conservative press issue is
pretty sticky.  It reminds me of two little kids in a "did not/did too"
debate.  Both can argue their sides equally, manipulating data to support
their claims.  However, I cannot resist....
It is understood that the time limits for packages on, particularly
half-hour, news shows limits the ability to go too in depth on a given issue.
However, given the administration we were just liberated from and their
attitudes about the press (hated it!), do you really feel that the press
has had liberal leanings?  Due to the lack of quality investigative reporting
(like the good ole 70's) the press fell victim to the restaints placed upon
it by the, in particular, White House media staff.  One of the main reasons
they would create such uproars about certain issues (C. Thomas, Iran-Contra)
was because it was the only thing they could sink their teeth into.
Otherwise, they were simply regurgitating to the public what was spoon fed
to them.  They were lethargic puppets.  They only looked "liberal" on
certain issues because they were pursuing it from their original standpoint,
it was the political spectrum of the county which shifted right.
        As the next four years progresses, watch the attitude people have
towards the reporting.  The liberals will be complaining the press is too
far right.
        Of course, you have just gotten me to admit their is a certain level
of objectivity w/in the press because it maintains centered while politics
moves around it.  However, lethargy should not be a substitute for objectivity.
Treading into the whole liberal press/conservative press issue is
ps The horrendous amount of "they"'s in the main paragraph is refering to the