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February 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mark Bunster <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Feb 1993 10:55:55 EST
<[log in to unmask]>; from "[log in to unmask]" at Feb 22, 93 6:57 pm
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
* Few would dispute the apparent political agenda of the broadcast media,
* but I've come to believe less and less that it's deliberate. They don't
* use objectivity as a smokescreen; rather they mistake their assumptions
* for truth (What I feel to be true must be true). And I think there's an
* inherent political bias in the very nature of the medium -- TV news deals
* with short bursts of emotional imagery rather than rigorous extended
* debate -- thus the "liberal" leaning.
UH, you had me until there. "Liberals" by no means own the monopoly on
"emotional imagery." I think using pictures of aborted fetuses, and even
pieces of fetuses, is a classic example of using TV's gift for displaying
emotional imagery rather than rigorous debate. Mind you, I don't argue too
much with your assessment, only that it hardly shows a liberal bias.
Mark Bunster                      |  Hassan Chop! mersh is available!
Survey Research Lab--VCU          |  cassettes, shirts, stickers, etc.
Richmond, VA 23220                |  "In Richmond, I have found a happy
[log in to unmask]            | dullness of intellect to be endemic"
(804) ELK-O-COP                   |            --HL Mencken