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March 1992


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Wed, 4 Mar 1992 13:48:00 EST
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                  I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                                        Date:     04-Mar-1992 01:33pm EST
                                        From:     Corinne H. Smith
                                        Dept:     Audio Visual Services
                                        Tel No:   (814) 863-3104
TO:  VMSMail User _IN%"SCREEN-L           ( _IN%"[log in to unmask]" )
Subject: RE: 45 days
Some more specifics about that 45 day limit, according to the
Fair Use Guidelines:  (I know this material appeared on this
network about a year ago.  Here we go again.)
If you tape a TV program off-air, you can use that tape during
the next ten (10) class days in a face-to-face classroom situation.
You can keep the tape a total of 45 calendar days.  Those extra
days are supposed to afford you the time to consider whether or
not you want to get a legal copy of the program in order to use
it year after year or semester after semester.  At the end of 45
calendar days, you're supposed to erase or destroy the tape.
These guidelines cover just the programs that you want to use
for educational purposes in the classroom.  They don't apply
to the stuff you have piled next to your VCR at home for your
own amusement.
Corinne Smith
Penn State
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