some more books about documentaries worth looking at are:
Aitken, Ian. _Film and reform: John Grierson and the documentary film
movement_. London: Routledge, 1990.
Rosenthal. Alan. _Writing, directing, and producing documentary films_.
Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1990.
Evans, Gary. _John Grierson and the National Film Board_. Toronto: U of
Toronto Pr., 1984.
_"Show us life:" toward a history and aesthetics of the committed document-
ary. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1984.
Edmonds, Robert. _About documentary: anthropology on film_. Dayton, Ohio:
Pflaum Pub., 1974
Mamber, Stephen. _Cinema verite in America. . ._. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1974.
larry schwartz, theatre/film librarian, southern methodist univ, dallas, texas
fzkr1001@smuvm1 -- BITNET