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May 1991


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 May 91 17:18:11 CDT
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This isn't officially SCREEN, but it is RADIO.  Calling all media activists.
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Date:         Tue, 7 May 91 12:47:20 CDT
Reply-To:     Rich Winkel UMC Math Department <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       Activists Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Rich Winkel UMC Math Department <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      "American Dialogues" Upcoming Shows
To:           Steven Alan Carr <[log in to unmask]>
/** pn.announcements: 98.0 **/
** Topic: "American Dialogues"*Upcoming Shows **
** Written  2:36 pm  May  3, 1991 by peacenet in cdp:pn.announcements **
Subject: "American Dialogues"*Upcoming Shows
From rfoxworth Thu May  2 13:54 PDT 1991
Please check your local NPR station for the upcoming shows in MAY
Call Your Local Station: Tell them to air us weekly!
A Conversation with former CIA Official John Stockwell:
Is the U.S.Providing the "Shock Troops" of the New World Order?
What's the difference between the New World Order and the old one?
Well, for one thing, the President seems to be demonstrating greater
allegiance to the interests of international financial system than to
those of his own country, says John Stockwell, the highest ranking
Central Intelligence Agency to leave the CIA and "go public" about his
activities. Stockwell says that the Persian Gulf War was a clear
indication that George Bush is looking to establish his place in
history by establishing a kind of financial world order based on a
unity of industrial nations.  And the U.S. will provide the shock
troops to defend that order. Stockwell's latest book, The Preatorian
Guard, goes into what we can expect from the New World Order and why.
John Stockwell discusses his book, the New World Order and what the
CIA is looking for in a new recruit in this edition of American
Now That the War is Over:
Repression and Suffering in Kuwait and Iraq
The Persian Gulf War is said to be over, but it has left conflict,
civilian suffering and repression in its wake. Civil society has
broken down in the newly "liberated" Kuwait and the military forces
have engaged in brutal reprisals, summary executions and abductions.
What is the human rights aftermath of the occupation of Kuwait and the
war against Iraq? Who is responsible for the abuses committed now in
Kuwait City?  Andrew Whitely visited Kuwait in late March in his
capacity as Executive Director of Middle East Watch, one of the five
Committees of Human Rights Watch. In this edition of American
Dialogues, Whitely reports on abuses committed by Iraqi forces during
the occupation and by Kuwaiti mililtary forces since the Iraqis were
driven out.
UPLINKS Wednesday, MAY 8TH,
The Mob, the CIA and the S & L Debacle
Many of the savings and loans institutions that went belly up were in
Texas, so it was not surprising that journalist Pete Brewton of the
Houston Post   began an investigation of how and why they failed.
What was surprising was who was involved in the failure of the S & Ls
in Texas and elsewhere: in an exhaustive series in the Houston Post,
Brewton documents connections between the S & Ls, the Central
Intelligence Agency and organized crime figures. Brewton also
marshalled evidence suggesting that money looted from the S & Ls went
to fund covert operations. Robert Foxworth interviews Pete Brewton in
this edition of American Dialogues.
 UPLINKS Wednesday, May 15th
KFSK    Petersburg, AK          Check station for air time
KSTK    Wrangel, AK             Check station for air time
KABF    Little Rock, AR         Tuesdays: 7:30 pm
KUAT    Tucscon, AZ             Sundays: 4:00 pm
KHSU    Arcata, CA              Check station for air time
KFFR    Fresno, CA              Check station for air time
KSPC    Claremont, CA           Check station for air time
KUBO    EL Centro, CA           Weds: 10 am/ Sundays: 11:30 am
KPFK    Los Angeles, CA Every other Friday at 3:00 pm 90.7 FM
KALW    San Francisco, CA       Fridays: 1:30 pm
KQED    San Francisco, CA       Every other Friday at Noon
KCBX    San Louis Obispo, CA Every Tues: at 1:00 pm
KUSP    Santa Cruz, CA          Every other Friday at Noon
KAJX    Aspen, CO                       Check station for air time
KGNU    Boulder, CO             Check station for air time
KVNF    Paonia, CO              Check station for air time
WPFW    Washington, DC  Check station for air time
WLRN    Miami, FL                       Check station for air time
WKGC    Panama City, FL Thursdays at 5:00 pm
WMNF    Tampa, FL               Check station for air time
KIPO    Honolulu, HI            Mondays at 8:30 am
WZRD    Chicago, IL             Check station for air time
KCCK    Cedar Rapids, IA        Every other Sun. at 7:30 pm
WSUI    Iowa City, IA           Sundays at 11:00 pm
KUNI    Cedar Falls, IA         Weds: 11:30 pm
WVUB    Vincennes, IN           Check station for air time
KKSU    Manhattan, KS           Check station for air time
KANZ    Pierceville, KS         Fridays at 5:00 pm
WKMS    Murray, KY              Check station for air time
WMEH    Bangor, ME              Check station for air time
WMEW    Waterville, ME          Check station for air time
WMED    Callais, ME             Check station for air time
WMEA    Portland, ME            Check station for air time
WMEM    Preque Isle, ME Check station for air time
WMUA    Amherst, MA             Check station for air time
WICN    Worcestor, MA           Mondays at 7 pm
WCUW    Worcester, MA           Check station for air time
WUOM    Ann Arbor, MI           Check station for air time
KUMD    Duluth, MN              Check station for air time
KAXE    Grand Rapids, MN        Check station for air time
KMSU    Mankato, MN             Check station for air time
KFAI    Minneapolis, MN Every other Mon. at noon
KRPR    Rochester, MN           Check station for air time
KUFM    Missoula, MT            Check station for air time
KBIA    Columbia, MO            Check station for air time
KOPN    Columbia, MO            Mondays at 6 pm
KSMU    Springfield, MO Check station for air time
WUNC    Chapel Hill, NC         Check station for air time
WFSS    Fayetteville, NC        Every other Wed., at noon
KFJM    Grandforks, ND  Check station for air time
KMHA    New Town, ND            Fridays at 7:30 pm
KIOS    Omaha, NE               Check station for air time
KUNM    Albuquerque, NM Check station for air time
WEBR    Buffalo, NY             Check station for air time
WBAI    New York, NY            Check station for air time
WRVO    Oswego, NY              Check station for air time
WCFE    Pottsbergh, NY          Check station for air time
WRPI    Troy, NY                        Check station for air time
KGOU    Norman, OK              Check station for air time
WCPN    Cleveland, OH           Check station for air time
WYSO    Yellow Springs, OH      Wednesdays at 1:30 pm
KSOR    Ashland, OR             Check station for air time
KMUN    Astoria, OR             Wednesdays at 4:00 pm
KOAC    Corvallis, OR           Check station for air time
KWAX    Eugene, OR              Check station for air time
KBOO    Portland, OR            Check station for air time
WOGL    Philadelphia, PA        Sundays at 4 pm
KUT             Austin, TX              Check station for air time
KVLU    Beaumont, TX            Check station for air time
KNON    Dallas, TX              Check station for air time
KPFT    Houston, TX             Thursdays at noon
KSTX    San Antonio, TX Check station for air time
KRCL    Salt Lake City, UT      Check station for air time
KPBX    Spokane, WA             Check station for air time
WOJB    Hayward, WI             Mondays at 10 am
WORT    Madison, WI             Thursdays at 1 pm
** End of text from cdp:pn.announcements **