>From: Thomas Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
>I, too, would very much like to know the name of the Twin Peeks list,
>if there is such a thing.
>Thanks in advance,
>Tom Thomas
The Twin Peaks (not Peeks!!!) list can be found at the following
[log in to unmask]
Send mail with the first line as
sub twin-peaks
For more details send the following commands in
a mail message to [log in to unmask]
help and/or info.
Hope this helps ...
* Kerr Avon (aka Liam Cairney). All e-mail to:- [log in to unmask] *
* George: 'But that's blackmail! ' (From 'Drop the Dead Donkey', Channel 4)*
* Gus : 'Yes, but I think we can outmanoeuvre them by giving in to it...'*