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April 1991


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
larry schwartz <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 7 Apr 91 19:17:27 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
well, i've been a B A D theatre/film librarian; i JUST went to see sotl
last nite (and, BTW, the theatre was pretty full), and BOY HOWDY, what a
has anyone seen the sternberg film, _the shanghai gesture_ (with gene tierney,
victor mature {as omar!}, walter houston, ona munson, and mike mazurki as a
chinese coolie {an addition to the pithy lines posting:  "you likee chinee
new year?})?  anyway, in the early part of the film, all of the one-shots
are close-up PORTRAITS. . .i mean, the lighting is perfect.  the set-ups could
have been by hurrell.  i was reminded of that film by demme's use of close-ups
in sotl.  here, too, it seemed that every one-shot was a portrait (and how
would YOU like to have a full-frame blow up of lecter in the cage in the
museum hanging on YOUR bedroom wall, mmm?).  really impressive.
it's a given that hopkins and foster were exceptional, but what about that
ted levine, gang?  is he, or is he not, the anthony perkins of this generation?
when is he going to show up on arsenio?  and what did mom and dad levine think
of their boy, ted, in the, um, transformation scene?  wowzers.
regards to all
lschwartz, southern meth u, dallas(?), texas(!)