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April 1991


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
larry schwartz <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Apr 91 15:12:08 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
in the past year, i've had the opportunity to drive across the u.s. 1 1/2
times, from los angeles to pennsylvania, and from los angeles to dallas.
during these trips, i noticed the proliferation of home satellite dishes
in ALL areas, from the affluent to the single mobile home on a pad in the
desert or in rural northwestern pennsylvania, which got me to thinking. . .
suddenly, people who formerly had no good access to a clear television
signal are confronted by reasonably clear transmission of television programs
from "all over" (i'm thinking particularly of a trip i made to eastern
kentucky in the outback near lee city).  suddenly (even in this last decade
of the twentieth century), "traditional attitudes" are challenged by the
hilarious goings-on of those "liberals" from "hollywood."  could this last
bit of wiring up the nation be contributing to a political shift to the right
or left?  has anyone written on this subject?  would anyone care to write
on this subject?  am i too late with my question?
larry schwartz, theatre/film librarian, southern meth u, dallas(?), texas(!)