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May 2018, Week 1


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Marty Norden <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 5 May 2018 13:01:32 -0400
text/plain (51 lines)
Hi, everyone. As president of the Northeast Popular Culture Association, 
I want to encourage you to submit a proposal for this year's NEPCA 
conference. The conference will be held on October 19 and 20, 2018 at 
Worcester State University in Worcester, MA. As you may already know, 
NEPCA is a highly collegial (and cost-efficient) organization that 
especially welcomes the participation of scholars early in their 
careers. Indeed, nearly half of the presenters at last year's conference 
were graduate students.

More information about the 2018 conference at Worcester State is 
available at this address:

We are interested in receiving proposals for individual papers and 
pre-constituted panels on any aspect of popular culture. Please be aware 
that the deadline for proposals is coming up soon: *June 1, 2018*.

If you have any questions about the suitability of your proposed paper 
or panel for this conference, please visit the NEPCA Area Chairs webpage 
for more information. It's here:

When you're ready, please submit your 250-word abstract via the Google 
Docs form at this address:

N.b.: the above URL is rather long. If clicking on it doesn't work, 
please copy and paste it into another browser window and you should be 
all set. You may also access this Google Docs form via the webpage noted above.

Thanks for your consideration, and we hope to receive a proposal from 
you soon! Please feel free to contact me at [log in to unmask] if you 
have any questions.

all best,
Marty Norden
  Martin F. Norden
  Professor, Department of Communication
  N320 Integrative Learning Center           norden(at)
  University of Massachusetts Amherst        fax: 413 545-6550
  Amherst, MA  01003   USA                   vox: 413 545-0598
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