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April 2016, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 07:57:00 +0000
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 1. SFC Annual Conference Programme

2. SFC 16:1

3. SFC 16:2

4. Conference on songs in the cinema

5. New books


1. SFC Annual Conference Programme

Thursday 30 June 2016
Room K-1.56, King’s College, London (Strand Campus)

Further details:


9.00-10.00 Women’s documentary 1
- Emna Mrabet (Paris 8), La mémoire dans l’œuvre de Yamina Benguigui
- Jenny Chamarette (QMUL), Seeing beyond: Raymonde Carasco’s transcendental ethnography

10.00-10.30 Break

10.30-12.00 Women’s documentary 2 (Agnès Varda)
- Sarah Cooper (KCL), Agnès Varda and the images of documentary
- Nathalie Mauffrey (Paris 7), Les Veuves de Noirmoutier d'Agnès Varda : un dispositif documentaire pour un imaginaire collectif au féminin
- Emma Wilson (Cambridge), Agnès Varda and la douleur

12.00-13.00 Keynote: Dominique Cabrera

13.00-14.15 Break

14.15-15.45 Childhood and adolescence 1 (Contemporary)
- Romain Chareyron (Washington State), Portraying lives in transition: Céline Sciamma and the transcription of experience
- Kaya Davies Hayon (Manchester), Embodying queer sexual subjectivity: Abdellah Taïa’s L’Armée du salut (2014)
- Nick Rees-Roberts (Bristol), Mommie dearest: sex, style and scandal in My Little Princess (Eva Ionesco, 2011)

15.45-16.15 Break

16.15-17.15 Childhood and adolescence 2 (Pre- and post-war)
- Daniel Morgan (Paris 3), A negotiated image of delinquency: young offenders and reform schools in French cinema, 1949-1955
- Barry Nevin (NUI Galway), Framing forest/framing France: viewing child poverty in postwar Paris through Jacques Feyder’s Crainquebille (1923) and Gribiche (1926)

17.15-17.45 Round Table
- To celebrate the publication of the 40th volume of MUP’s French Directors Series

17.45-18.30 Reception

18.30-19.00 SFC Annual General Meeting of the General Editors


2. SFC 16:1

This has now been published and contains the following articles:

- Barry Nevin, ‘What we have done is shameful’: interrogating the relationship between France and its Algérie in Jean Renoir’s Le Bled (1929)
- J. Brandon Colvin, ‘Explaining Varda’s Lions Love: a European director responds to an American cultural marketplace’
- Jason Hartford, ‘Genre, horror, taboo: a cognitive analytical reading of Ricky (François Ozon, 2009)’
- Anne Donadey 'Gender, genre, and intertextuality in Rachid Bouchareb’s Hors la loi'
- Jiewon Baek, ‘Turning toward the other: the face of humans, the face of things, and the face of language in the documentaries of Sylvain George’
- Phil Powrie, Bibliography for French and francophone cinema 2000-2015


3. SFC 16:2

This will be a special issue on the industry, edited by Isabelle Vanderschelden. It contains the following articles:

- Jean-Louis Jeannelle, Adaptability: literature and cinema redux
- Mireille Brangé, Screenwriters à la française : la représentation du scénariste dans les discours et les méthodes d’écriture de scénarios en France, leur contexte, leur marché professionnel et éditorial (1990-2014).
- Isabelle Vanderschelden, Money for writing: screenplay development and screenwriters’ earnings in French cinema
- Fanny Beuré, Bilan 2004-2013 de la production et du financement des films français réalisés ou coréalisés par des femmes
- Claude Forest, Exploitants et distributeurs de films en salles en France à l’ère numérique : évolution des métiers et des rapports de force

- Jacqueline Nacache, ‘Maravalgate’ and its effects: a year of debate over the funding of French cinema
- Interview with Agnès de Sacy


4. Conference on songs in the cinema

The Use of Songs in European and Latin-American Cinemas (1960-2010)
Generic Variations, Aesthetic Hybridizations and Transnational Issues.
Belgium April 28-30, 2016

This trilingual (French-Spanish-English) international Conference on Songs in European and Latin-American Cinemas (1960-2010) gathers for the first time European and Latin-American specialists around a theme that has, until now, seldom been approached. This pioneering scientific event is the result of collaboration efforts between the Free University of Brussels (ULB), the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and the Belgian Film Archive (Cinematek). Its purpose is to initiate a dialogue between two cinematographic continents rarely confronted to one another; and, in doing so, to contribute to a better understanding of Latin-American cinema in Europe. Whether they are original or pre-existing material, used as a musical numbers, as counterpoint or as an accompaniment, songs play multiple diegetic and structural role in films. Their impact on viewers also depends on the diverse values and references they convey. The conference will focus on these aspects by way of diverse approaches be they aesthetic, semiotic and narratologic, pragmatic, musicological or related to the wider context of cultural studies.<>

Organizing Committee
Sophie Dufays (Université catholique de Louvain)
Dominique Nasta (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Pablo Piedras (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Hubert Bolduc-Cloutier (Université libre de Bruxelles / Université de Montréal)
Geneviève Fabry (Université catholique de Louvain)
Freddy Malonda (Cinémathèque royale de Belgique)
Lucía Rodríguez Riva (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Thomas Van Deursen (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Scientific Committee
Sophie Dufays (Université catholique de Louvain)
Dominique Nasta (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Pablo Piedras (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Séverine Abhervé (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Julie Amiot-Guillouet (Université de Paris-Sorbonne)
Martin Barnier (Université de Lyon 2)
Serge Cardinal (Université de Montréal)
Rita De Maeseneer (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Marina Díaz López (Instituto Cervantes)
Valérie Dufour (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Laurent Guido (Université de Lille 3)
David Gullentops (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Robin Lefere (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Nadia Lie (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Ana Laura Lusnich (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Christophe Pirenne (Université catholique de Louvain / Université de Liège)
Phil Powrie (University of Surrey)


5. New books

Barta, P. I. and Phil Powrie, eds. 2015. Bicultural Literature and Film in French and English. London: Routledge.

Benchenna, Abdelfettah and Luc Pinhas, eds. 2016. Industries culturelles et entrepreneuriat au Maghreb. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Kifouani, Delphe. 2016. De l’analogique au numérique: cinemas et spectateurs d’Afrique subsahraienne francophone à l’épreuve du changement. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Lagabrielle, Renaud and Timo Obergöker, eds. 2016. La Chanson dans le film français et francophone depuis la Nouvelle Vague. Würzburg, Königshausen und Neumann.



Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Lewis Carroll Building 27AC05
School of English and Languages
University of Surrey
T: 01483 682980
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Chief General Editor Studies in French Cinema:
Chair British Association of Film Television and Screen Studies:


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