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January 2016, Week 2


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Michele Hilmes <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Jan 2016 16:17:19 -0500
text/plain (78 lines)
*The Radio Journal:  International Studies in Radio and Audio Media*

*CALL FOR PAPERS* *Volume 14:1 **northern spring 2016*


Digital platforms have transformed the world of radio, no single technology
more so than podcasting.  Now an essential part of broadcast radio, as well
as a thriving art form in its own right, podcasts challenge traditional
radio structures, forms, genres, production methods, and listening cultures
as much as they also extend and shore up the radio medium. Whereas much has
been written about podcasts in online blogs and mainstream media, scholarly
work about the genre and form is still emerging, as highlighted by Bonini’s
(2015) recent review of the literature. *The Radio Journal* invites
scholarly work exploring and investigating the podcast (r)evolution from
multiple perspectives:

*-- How can we understand podcasting in relation to radio?*

*-- What makes an excellent podcast?*

*-- What methods can we use to study podcasting?*

*-- Who is producing innovative podcasting work, where and how?*

*-- How are podcasts circulated and listened to?*

*Deadline:  1 February 2016*

*The Radio Journal *is a double blind peer reviewed journal.  We look for
articles that explore the production, circulation and reception of radio
and creative soundwork, and encourage a wide range of international and
interdisciplinary perspectives on both historical and contemporary issues
in sound-based journalism and media studies. See our website
for more information.

Scholars around the world are invited to submit original articles of
6000–8000 words (including notes and references – but not including the
author biography, keywords or abstract), following Intellect style

Articles including a brief abstract (approx. 200 words) and 6 – 8 keywords
should be submitted to [log in to unmask]  Please include a separate
cover page with: article title; author’s name and affiliation; author’s
biography (100–200 words); and author’s institutional postal and email
address.  No identifying information should appear on any other pages of
the article, to aid in the blind review process.

Bonini, T. (2015). The ‘Second Age’ of Podcasting: reframing Podcasting as
a New Digital Mass Medium. *Quaderns del CAC 41*, 18 (July), 21-30

Michele Hilmes, Professor Emerita
Department of Communication Arts
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: