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December 2013, Week 2


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
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Fri, 13 Dec 2013 16:50:57 -0600
text/plain (40 lines)
The University of Alabama invites applications and nominations for the
position of Dean of the College of Communication and Information Sciences.
The new dean is expected to articulate a vision that addresses
communication, information and technology, and that will inspire his/her
colleagues to excellence in scholarship, creative activities and teaching.
The new dean will bring outstanding interpersonal and communication skills
and demonstrated success working effectively with senior leadership and a
broad range of internal and external constituents.

Qualifications: Qualified candidates will have an earned doctorate or other
terminal degree in an academic discipline appropriate to the college or a
related field and a national reputation based on scholarly, creative and/or
professional accomplishments. Professional experience in an industry
associated with one or more of the College’s units is desirable. Experience
in institutional development, major gifts, fundraising and sponsored
research is desirable.
The preferred candidate is expected to have significant experience in
administration and management; a strong commitment to collaborative
decision making and faculty governance; a deep commitment to recruiting and
retaining a diverse faculty, staff, and student body; a respect for the
multiple missions of the College’s degree programs and service departments;
an ability and desire to develop relationships with external
constituencies; an appreciation and knowledge of public and commercial
broadcasting as well as digital media; and a strong commitment to the
successful placement of graduates.

The dean is the chief academic officer of the College, provides leadership
for all the professional units, academic and research programs, and is
responsible for the growth and success of the College. The Dean reports to
the Provost.

More information:

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