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October 2011, Week 1


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Cynthia Miller <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Oct 2011 11:50:36 -0400
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Deadline extended!

Film and Myth 
Histories, Mysteries, and the In-Between

CALL for AREA CHAIRS (organizers of multiple panels)
Deadline: December 15, 2011 (New areas will be launched as they are accepted.)

The 2012 Film & History Conference (Sept. 26-30, Hyatt Regency, Milwaukee, USA) will examine the power of myth in film, television, and the other moving-image arts. As a collective pattern, myth transcends the individual, yet it provides structure to our most personal feelings and assumptions. It can be subtle or obvious, shallow or complex. It can move nations to attack each other—or to reconcile. It can induce affection or ridicule or longing. Myth operates somewhere between the waking consciousness of history and drowsy consciousness of mystery. Often it is both narrative and meta-narrative, trying to tell us what we know and how we might know it. And film is the most vibrant stage of mythmaking today. How do films exploit or succumb to certain myths? Why do audiences embrace one mythic pattern over another—in romance or tragedy or comedy? Who or what controls mythmaking in film and television? How do certain historical characters or events become legendary? How do they become mythic? What historical mutations have myths undergone in film? What myths are on the horizon?

Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal invites proposals to chair an area of multiple panels. Please send a brief description of your area (100-200 words) to [log in to unmask] by December 15, 2011. The deadline to be listed on your Call for Papers will be August 1, 2012. There will be no rolling deadlines before that date. The areas listed below are suggestions; you are welcome to modify an area or to propose an area of your own. 

•	Mythmaking and Marketing: The Money Trail On and Off the Screen
•	Storytelling 101: History or Mythology
•	Innocence and Experience: Children, the Elderly, and Myth
•	Naught-I Movies: Untangling Sex and Gender Myths
•	Myths R Us: Nationality in Film
•	Music, Motifs, and Mythmaking
•	Archetype and Ego Psychology in Film
•	Natives and Primitives: The Myths of Oral Cultures
•	The Classic Myths of Classical History on Film
•	Facing Race: Film, Television, and Myth
•	Dwelling on Myth: The City, The Suburb, and The Farm
•	Heroes and Villains: Iconography, Narrative, and Film
•	Marriage and Family Myths in Film
•	Mythologies of Travel in Film and Television
•	Literature, Genre, and Myth: Structures, Texts, Films
•	West/East: Hollywood/Bollywood
•	Crime and Punishment: Mythologizing the Law
•	Beast or Human: Animal Myths in Film and Television
•	Ecology Mythology: The Natural Environment on Film
•	Myths of Time: Future Myths, Mythic Futures
•	Chalk It Up to Myth: Education on Film
•	Mything God: Religious Desire in Film and Television
•	The Myths of Science and Scientists
•	Cowboy Mythology: Frontier Myths 
•	Sir Dude and Madame Chick: Mythologizing Class in Film
•	Evil, Sin, Death, Doom: Mythologizing the Underworld in Film
•	Myth, Inc.: The Business World in Film and Television
•	Doctored Reality: The Myths of Medicine in Film
•	Larger Than Life: Legendary Tales on Screen

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