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September 2010, Week 5


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Gregory Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 26 Sep 2010 17:10:28 -0400
text/plain (77 lines)
Announcing the Routledge publication of _What Media Classes Really Want
To Discuss:  A Student Guide_ by Greg M. Smith:

Students bring their assumptions about media to an introductory
film/television class.  They “know” that media cause violence and
stereotypes; they have a general understanding of what “realism” and
“identification” are.   But we rarely confront these commonsense
assumptions directly when we teach introductory classes.

_What Media Classes Really Want To Discuss:  A Student Guide_ gives the
introductory student a more precise language for discussing these ideas,
which makes better class discussion possible about these vague but
broadly held notions. The book is written in an approachable, personal,
non-“textbook-y” tone that makes the big ideas of media studies more
accessible to students.

What Media Classes Really Want To Discuss is intended to serve as a
supplemental textbook for a wide range of classes in film studies,
television studies, and media literacy.  For an examination copy, visit  

          Table of Contents
1.  “It’s Just a Movie:”  Why You Should Analyze Film and Television
(the book’s first chapter is a revised version of my widely used essay
that answers student concerns that academics are merely “reading into” a
film/television program. You can read the original version on my
website.  The direct link is

Discussing How Media Work
2. What Is Realism, Really? 
3. How Do We Identify with Characters? 
4. Genre Schmenre 
Discussing Media and Society 
5. “Studies Show:”  How To Understand Media Violence/Effects Research 
6. Role Models and Stereotypes:  An Introduction to the “Other” 
Discussing Media’s Future Now 
7. What Difference Does a Medium Make? 
8. What Is Interactivity? 
Apologies for cross-posting....

Greg M. Smith

Greg M. Smith
Moving Image Studies Program
Film/Video/Digital Imaging Program
Department of Communication
Georgia State University

Office: 1050 One Park Place
            (404) 463-9428
Fax:     (404) 651-1409

Email: [log in to unmask]

Mailing address:  
Department of Communication
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4000
Atlanta, GA 30302-4000

For Courier and Overnight Services (FedEx, UPS, etc.):
Department of Communication
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Suite 1050
Atlanta, GA 30303

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