This is just a gentle reminder >>>
::: Call For Papers * Deadline 19th December 2008 :::
Re:live - Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art,
Melbourne 26-29 November 2009
The media art history conference Re:live has currently confirmed
keynote speakers Stelarc and Zhang Ga.
There are a number of events happening prior to the commencement of the
Re:live, making Melbourne the place to be in November 09.
::: Currently planned events :::
-- The Leonardo education Forum LEF@Re:Live 25th November 09
--- SymbioticA workshop: 16 - 20 November 09
---- Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) are presenting
SuperHuman - Revolution of the Species: symposium,
exhibition, masterclass, public talk 22 - 25 November 09.
::: Call :::
Following the success of Media Art History 05 Re:fresh in Banff and
Media Art History 07 Re:place in Berlin, Media Art History 09 Re:live in
Melbourne will host three days of keynotes, panels and poster sessions
Media Art History 09 - Re:live, a refereed conference, is calling for
papers, panels and posters on the histories of digital, electronic and
technological media arts. With the theme of Re:live we are especially
interested in expanding the range of topics to include sustainability,
live arts and the technological arts of life, both organic and
--How do the media arts change? Through innovation, accident,
discovery, mutation or crisis? How did contemporary media arts come to
look and sound like they do? What options and potentialities and
eccentricities in the history of media have been lost or overlooked or
suppressed? What hopes have been realised and which dashed? What is the
history of speculation on alternate histories, and how have they altered
the course of media art history?
---Participants are encouraged to look at the themes suggested to
address in submitting abstracts at
----We particularly wish to encourage presentations from and about
these histories in the Asia-Pacific region. Proposals are welcomed from
artists, curators, arts organizers and researchers in media, art
history, performance studies, literature, film, and science and
technology studies.
Abstracts of 200 words can be submitted as text, rtf, pdf or doc files
via the dedicated website with updates and online paper submission
system at
Sean Cubitt and Paul Thomas, conference co-chairs.
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Department for Image Science at Danube University, Austria
Media Art History conference series partner and web-platform home
Media Art History Master Program
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: