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October 2008, Week 2


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Gina Marchetti <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Oct 2008 14:33:48 +0800
text/plain (59 lines)
 The Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong
offers studentships in conjunction with its Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes.  We are looking for exceptional
candidates with a strong research plan in any of the following areas:

   - Visual Cultures, Digital Media and Film Studies
      - critiques of space; world cinemas; feminist film theory; film
      studies and film language; new media technologies and
aesthetics; media and
      cultural theory; performance studies; popular culture; theories of
      representation; contemporary visual culture; virtual reality and
      cinemas of Asia and the Asian diaspora
   - Feminism and Gender Studies
      - feminism and psychoanalytic approaches to literature; feminist
      cultural studies; gender and sexuality; technology and the body; women's
      writing and women's studies
   - Postcolonial and Global Studies
      - colonial, postcolonial and globalization studies; feminist and
      postcolonial theories; cultural identity and representation; the
cultures of
      contemporary cities; East-West culture from the early modern
period to the
      present; orientalism
   - Literature and Critical/Cultural Theory
      - East-West comparative literary/cultural relations; French and German
      theory; postmodernism; problems of aesthetics; reception
studies; semiotics;
      critical theory; literary and cultural theory/philosophy; modernism;
      narrative theory; psychoanalytic theory; Marxisms
   - Hong Kong/China Studies
      - Hong Kong cinema, culture and literature; Chinese Modernism;  Hong
      Kong cultural policy in the global context; Hong Kong, Taiwan,
PRC cultural
      studies; urban Chinese cultures from the late Qing to the
contemporary; Hong
      Kong, Taiwan, PRC modern and contemporary literature and film; cultural
      memory in Chinese-language cinemas; historiography of Maoist and post-Mao

The current faculty includes:  Esther Cheung, Esther Yau, Daniel Vukovich,
Mirana May Szeto, and Gina Marchetti.

Closing date for applications for 2009-10 is December 31, 2008.

For more information on the application process to the University of Hong
Kong, visit

For more information on specific requirements for the Department of
Comparative literature, visit,

For more information on graduate studies in the Department of Comparative
Literature, contact:  Gina Marchetti at [log in to unmask]

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite