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October 2008, Week 2


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"Jancovich Mark Prof (FTV)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Oct 2008 21:23:02 +0100
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Anglia Television and the History of ITV:

Programming, Regionalism and the Television Economy

A conference organised by the School of Film and Television Studies at the University of East Anglia, in conjunction with the East Anglian Film Archive.

To be held in Norwich, on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th November 2008

Conference Organisers: Andrew Higson, Su Holmes and Brett Mills


Speakers include: Charles Barr, Lez Cooke, Sylvia Harvey, Cathy Johnson, Jamie Medhurst, Caroline Merz, Barbara Sadler, Rob Turnock and Sherryl Wilson; and from UEA, Su Holmes, Mark Jancovich, Brett Mills, Tim Snelson and Andrew Higson; plus Jane Alvey and Richard Taylor from the East Anglian Film Archive; and past and present Anglia executives, including Mike Talbot and Graham Creelman

Anglia Television - now ITV Anglia - began broadcasting in the east of England in 1959, some four years after the launch of the ITV network. This conference will build on the current vibrant interest in television history, and especially the history of ITV, and will chart the story of the Anglia franchise, from 1959 to the present. Key issues to be explored will include the relationship between the regional and the national in British independent television history; Anglia's programme culture - the range of genres, series and programmes produced or commissioned by Anglia over the years; the institutional organisation of Anglia and its operation as part of the ITV network; and the issues involved in archiving a regional television collection. There will also be a series of related archival screenings, including quiz and game shows, drama, sitcoms, soap opera,
news and regional heritage programmes. The conference is funded through an AHRC grant.

For further details and the conference registration form, see our website:

Or contact the Conference Administrator, Antonella Palmieri, at
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