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March 2005, Week 3


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david tetzlaff <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 10:07:13 -0500
text/plain (42 lines)
>I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions as to hardware or
>software that will enable me to copy these short clips (usually less
>than a minute) for testiing purposes.

Copying clips from a DVD to another DVD via computer is fairly 
comlicated -- assuming we're talking about commercial DVD sources, 
which are copy-protected. You need about 3 or four different pieces 
of software...

The simplest method is to copy the clips you want from the DVDs to 
VHS, or alternatively to a standalone DVD recorder. In either case, 
you need one special thing - something to defeat the copy protection 
on the player.

There are two forms of copy protection on DVDs a) macrovision, which 
screws up the luminence of the signal, 2) cgms/a which flags digital 
devices so they won't go into record mode (even if the signal path is 

Some inexpensive DVD players made in Taiawan we easily hackable to 
defeat copyprotection -- older models of Apex, Sampo and Cyberhome 
especially. However, the production of low cost DVD players has 
shifted to China, and hackable players are now scarce. You can find 
them on eBay labeled as 'DVD recorder friendly'.

Alternatively, you can get a 'black box' to plug between the two 
units that will strip the copy protection. Try or look for a Sima CT-2 (available at 
Amazon and many other online vendors).

BTW, the movie industry is pushing for ever more restrictive 
copyright laws -- attempting to end fair use and criminalize any form 
of copying. Any teachers interested in being able to continue to do 
such simple things as assemble a reel of clips for use in class need 
to read up on copyright politics and support the EFF and other 
organizations trying to oppose the DCMA and other repressive 

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