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August 2004, Week 3


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Heather Osborne-Thompson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 12:54:00 -0700
text/plain (123 lines)
Call for Papers
"A Screen of One's Own:  New Perspectives on Women's TV Authorship"
Spectator, Spring 2005
Deadline for Submission:  November 20, 2004

Within the last few years, feminist scholars have begun to re-train
their eyes on the question of the kinds of roles women have been and
continue to be permitted to play in the production of television.  In
many respects, this trend in "recuperative" history echoes a similar
project within the arena of feminist film studies and represents a shift
away from the strict textual concerns of earlier efforts in feminist
television criticism toward a focus on women's varying abilities to
participate in the shaping of television.  That is, in addition to
chronicling the kinds or numbers of images of women that were allowed to
circulate on television at various moments, such work endeavors to
explain the qualities of the influence women have historically been able
to exert on TV texts.

As in most areas of feminist scholarship, such inquiries present
difficult practical and epistemological questions.  That is, given the
institutional and societal structures that have often put women at a
disadvantage in the realm of production, what sort of knowledge gets to
count as "evidence" of female authorship?  Is there any place in the
field for a consideration of the "absence" of evidence?  Moreover, given
the critiques of authorship as a concept over the past few decades, what
is at stake in insisting on the existence of female TV authors at all?
What "new" light might feminist theory be able to shed on past and
present TV texts?  And finally, what possibilities do such efforts offer
in terms of advancing the project of feminist TV criticism?

The Spring 2005 issue of Spectator seeks articles, interviews and
reviews that engage with the questions surrounding women's TV authorship
in the following areas:

* The relationship between TV authorship and star status
* "Unconventional" notions of TV authorship
* Female TV directors, writers and producers-past and present
* Local/national/global media
*TV animation
*TV Music
* The intersection between feminist theory and "popular" notions of
* "Alternative" exhibition spaces, such as public access, public
television, the internet, or cable/satellite channels
* Critiques of television authorship
* Traditional "women's genres"
* Female network executives
* Production history
* TV historiography

Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be sent to:

Heather Osborne-Thompson
School of Cinema-Television
Division of Critical Studies
Lucas Building, Room 405
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Attn:  Spectator Submission
[log in to unmask]

One hard copy of manuscript should be submitted as well as a copy on
disk.  Submissions can also be emailed directly.  Manuscripts should
include the title of the contribution and the name(s) of authors, as
well as the postal address, email address, and phone numbers for the
author who will work with the editor on any revisions.  All pages should
be numbered consecutively.  Contributions should be no more than 5,000
words.  They should also include a brief abstract for publicity and
authors should include a brief biography of themselves.  Rejected
manuscripts will not be returned.

Articles submitted to the Spectator should not be under consideration by
any other journal.

Book reviews may vary in length from 300 to 1,000 words.  Please include
the title of the book, retail price and ISBN at the beginning of the

Forum or Additional Section contributions can include works on new
archival or research facilities or methods as well as other relevant
works related to the field.

Electronic Submissions and Formatting.  Authors should send copies of
their work via email as electronic attachments.  Please keep backup
files of all disks.  Files should be Microsoft Word in PC format.
Endnotes should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.

Upon acceptance, a format guideline will be forwarded to all
contributors as to image and text requirements.

Current Board for Spectator
Founding Editor
            Marsha Kinder
Managing Editor
            William Whittington
Issue Editor
            Heather Osborne-Thompson

Subscription Information
Spectator is a bi-annual publication.  Individual issues cost $10.00.
Institutional rate for US and Canada is $30.00 USD.  All others $40.00
USD.  Please contact the subscription editor for bulk discounts.  To
order a subscription, please send $15.00* for the current volume year

University of Southern California
School of Cinema-Television
Division of Critical Studies
Lucas Building, Room 405
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Attn:  Spectator Subscription
Tel:  (213) 740-3334
Fax:  (213) 740-9471

*If you subscribe now, you will receive one back issue free (based on
availability).  For additional back issues, contact subscription manager
and include $12.00 per issue.

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