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March 2004, Week 3


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 15:05:20 -0000
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
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P P Powrie <[log in to unmask]>
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Final Call for Papers

European Cinema Research Forum 4
European Cinema: Directions and Developments
9-11 July 2004, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

The term European Cinema has always been hard to pin down and define, and, in the context of increasing globalization, it is questionable whether it is even desirable to do so. Nonetheless, cinemas within Europe continue to struggle to compete in the global market and at national and regional levels. This conference will aim to explore the industrial, socio-cultural and aesthetic developments that have shaped the cinemas of Europe and that are continuing to do so. New directions may have come about as a result of self-conscious attempts by filmmakers to challenge the status quo of mainstream cinema, or emerged from changes to the infrastructure of the film industry or technological developments, or from a combination of many different causes. Whatever the impetus, the way that cinemas develop is of particular interest at a time of major change in the way films are produced and consumed.

Keynote speakers will include:

Peter Evans, Queen Mary, University of London: Spanish Cinema: The Auteurist Tradition (Oxford: O.U.P., 1999), The Films of Luis Buñuel: Subjectivity and Desire (Oxford: Clarendon, 1995).
Mike Figgis (to be confirmed): Stormy Monday (1988), Leaving Las Vegas (1995), Timecode (2000), Cold Creek Manor (2003).
Helena Taberna: Yoyes (2000) and Extranjeras (2003).

Papers are invited on all topics relating to European Cinema. Those relating to the following topics will be particularly welcome:

*       New Waves: movements and manifestos
*       National cinemas
*       Globalization and transnational cinema
*       Regions and cities
*       Co-productions
*       Funding and infrastructure
*       Post-colonial cinema and Europe
*       The impact of new technologies
*       Stars as national and transnational figures
*       The future of European cinemas

Selected papers will be published in the journal Studies in European Cinema (general editors Graeme Harper and Owen Evans) to be launched in 2004.

Proposals of 200 words in length should be sent to [log in to unmask] by 1 April 2004.

> Dr Sarah Leahy
> Lecturer in Film and Television
> School of Arts and Social Sciences
> Lipman Building
> Northumbria University
> Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST
> 0191 227 3704

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