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November 2002, Week 1


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Lang Thompson <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 21:09:45 -0500
text/plain (27 lines)
Concerning the recent posts about experimental work on DVD, Pip Chodorov
offered the following response to my comments.  It's passed along with
permission.  LT

>Dear Lang Thompson,
>I am not subscribed to Screen-L, but I read your comments.
>The tests I did were done in France and Germany within the past twelve
>months by experienced technicians. I chose films that work fine on VHS but
>have trouble using MPEG (Fluxus, Fischinger, Scher, Lye, Jacobs,
>Mekas...). These films pushed the techniques to their limit and the
>technicians were well aware of the problems; they did their best. One
>could not do better. We tried every bitrate and combinations of different
>GOPs with and without filters.
>Brakhage's new attitude is simply a devil-may-care passiveness. He really
>doesn't care anymore to rant against anything and has no energy to argue.
>We have spoken and he finds DVD worse than VHS, but he has moved to Canada
>and is glad to receive some money from his work.
>Feel free to post these comments,
>Pip Chodorov

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