Gloria Monti recommends:
> >does anyone know, off-hand [please don't go
> >out of your way to find out if you don't] whether
> >hitchcock, or a hitchcock film, was ever nominated
> >for an academy award . . . and if so, which films
> >earned that recognition??
> >
> >mike frank
> You can easily find the information at the following site:
> Enter the director's name and his entirely filmography will
> be available. Magic.
You can also do "magic" at the Oscars database:
Just for the record, nominations aside, Hitchcock's REBECCA won a Best
Picture award but he did never won Best Director. He did get the
Thalberg award in 1967 (and the AFI Life Achievement award later).
Don Larsson
Donald Larsson
Minnesota State U, Mankato
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