> >
> > Charlton Heston...occasional actor, full time gun lobbyist
>and if he had said about Spike Lee what Spike Lee had said about him, we
>would never hear the end of it.
Publicly defending Charlton Heston? I thought I had seen it all....
I believe there is an important historical difference between
what the likes of Heston have been allowed to say about the likes of
Lee that warrants what Lee now says about Heston.
Gloria Monti., gasping
gloria monti
special assistant professor
department of audio/video/film
318 dempster hall
111 hofstra university
hempstead, NY 11549-1110
voice mail: 516-463-6463
e-mail: [log in to unmask]http://pantheon.cis.yale.edu/~godard/index.html
1/26/1950: India officially proclaimed itself a republic as Rajendra
Prasad took office as president.
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