Night that Panicked America--Availability?
Tue, 22 Aug 2000 10:14:57 -0700
Dear AMIA-L and Screen-L People:
Does anyone know of a source for purchase or rental of a video (or even
film) of the Paramount TV production The Night that Panicked America?
It was broadcast in the Los Angeles area on 31 October 1975, on KABC.
It is a docudrama about the events surrounding Orson Welles' Mercury
Theater radio production of H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds in 1938.
We have a professor who would like to screen it in September to a class
that he is teaching.
I've checked a number of commercial video sources (Facets, Movies
Unlimited, etc.) and found nothing. I've sent email to Paramount Home
Movies, Television, and Motion Pictures people, but it is too soon to
have received a response.
Any assistance would be appreciated!
Leslie the Librarian who usually just lurks and enjoys the discussions
and information
Leslie Kay Swigart, Librarian
University Library, California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, California, USA 90840-1901
Voice: 562-985-8327 FAX: 562-985-8327 Email: [log in to unmask]
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