CFP: Politics of Parody Panel, SCS 2000
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:36:12 -0500
Call for Proposals
Looking for papers to complete panel for Society for Cinema Studies
Conference in Chicago:
The Politics of Parody
Parody, satire, and spoof are a common yet underexamined facet of a range
of media, genres, and historical contexts. This panel will explore how
media parody operates and question the political ramifications of parodic
texts and practices. Papers might address a variety of historical or
contemporary topics, such as genre parody, copyright issues, parody and
social critique, pastiche and bricolage, modernist vs. postmodernist
parody, parody and medium specificity, parody and identity politics, and
parody reception.
Please submit a 300 to 400 word abstract, brief bio, and brief bibliography
as soon as possible and no later than September 15, 1999. Send submissions
and inquiries to Michael Kackman ([log in to unmask]) or Jason Mittell
([log in to unmask]).
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