Re: Langlois contradictions
Tue, 28 Mar 1995 16:04:22 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
<< In what way
was Langlois the enemy of "academics and critics"?>>
Note that the rest of my statement was that he worked closely with both.
However, you must understand that Langlois was a mass of contradictions.
Primarily, however, he was what we would call a "bohemian". His personal
style in part, out of necessity and in part, out of conviction, was that of
an outsider, a rebel, a congenital upsetter of the establishment.
He loved true scholars, but hated the institutionalized "academics" who
limited his catholic view of films by categorizing them, excluding them and
establishing hierarchies and "theories" which kept people from the raw
material - the films themselves. Of course he encouraged critics, but
detested those who spoke authoratatively with little or no knowledge of the
In short, he valued individualists, but detested them when they gathered
together as an institution. His sole goal was to preserve films and their
artifacts and to make sure that they were constantly screened for as many
people as possible.
Gene Stavis, School of Visual Arts - NYC