New Review of Film & Television Studies: Special Issue (19.1) on JOKER, ed. Sean Redmond & announcing winners of SCMS TV SIG Graduate Student Essay Contest
Mon, 8 Mar 2021 14:04:37 -0500
*apologies for cross-posting*
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the publication of Special Issue 19.1, “That
Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore: A Critical Exploration of *Joker,*” guest edited *by
Sean Redmond* and featuring articles by *Caroline Bainbridge*; *Jeffrey
Brown*; *Amanda Howell*; *Jesús Jiménez-Varea*, *Alberto Hermida, and
Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla*; *Misha Kavka*; *Mark Kerins*; *Ernest
Mathijs*; *Sean Redmond*; and *Merlin Seller*.
Please see the Table of Contents for a complete list of articles and
Please also enjoy the recent roundtable discussion conducted by several of
the contributors and featured on the NRFTS blog:
The new issue also features the following reviews of recent publications:
*The Superhero Symbol: Media, Culture, and Politics*, edited by Liam Burke,
Ian Gordon, and Angela Ndalianis (Rutgers University Press, 2019)
*Reviewed by Vinodh Venkatesh*
*Troubling Masculinities: Terror, Gender, and Monstrous Others in American
Film Post-9/11*, by Glen Donnar (University Press of Mississippi, 2020)
*Reviewed by Paul Doro*
*Mental Disorders in Popular Film: How Hollywood Uses, Shames, and Obscures
Mental Diversity*, by Erin Heath (Lexington Books, 2019)
*Reviewed by Fiona Gregory*
We are also delighted to announce that the winner of the second annual TV
SIG Graduate Student Essay Contest is *Peter Johnson (Boston University)*.
The prize-winning essay, “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Spatial and Industrial
Logics of Home Fitness Technologies,” will be published in our Winter 2021
Two additional outstanding candidates were recognized as finalists: *Marie
Sandoz (Université de Lausanne)* for the essay “The Big Ear of Leuk
(1974-2020): The Media History of a Large Technical Infrastructure,”
and *Cameron
Lynn Brown (University of Iowa)* for the essay “'My job is to live my life,
not save yours': Queer Emotional Labor, Audiences, and Netflix’s *Queer Eye*.”
Congratulations to our three awardees, and thank you to all those who
submitted and to our co-sponsors the Television Studies Special Interest
Group of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies.
Also over on the *NRFTS* Blog, we’re featuring the following new content
which we hope will be of interest:
Netflix, HBO Nordic, and ‘Glocalized’ TV Series: The View from Sweden by *Joel
Casting Closets, Casting Spells: An Interview with *Alfred L. Martin Jr. &
Andrew J. Owens*
Women’s History Month Reading List
Please bookmark our URL, and we welcome proposals
for promotional collaborations, reviews, interviews, commentaries,
pedagogical musings…
To help spread the word, and for latest news and promotions, please follow
us on Twitter @NRFTSJournal <> and
Instagram @nrftsjournal <>. We
welcome submissions through our website
<>, where guidelines for
authors can be found. Given our robust rate of submission, we have recently
converted to an Online First model to expedite the time to publication for
accepted articles.
Kind regards,
Maria San Filippo
*New Review of Film and Television Studies
*NRFTS* Blog <>
* <>[image:]
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