15 FPS Film Festival
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 02:33:47 -0500
DEADLINE: July 23, 2000
Supersphere is proud to present
our first annual 15 FPS Film Festival.
We plan to bring you some of the finest in short film wonderment within the
next few months. Movies that run the gamut in short film execution, from
digital video to 35-millimeter film (maybe), from 2 minutes to 20, from 5
minutes to 50, from Christian societal analysis to hard core pornography
(well maybe not), and more then likely, from good to bad to probably
inexcusably bad.
Of course, for this to work, we need you, the filmmaking, Internet love
children to give us your wares, give us your dreams, give us your blood,
sweat and tears, by God! You've got about six weeks to get us your movie, so
we can motivate all those nice, rabid film critics out there to sink their
shark teeth into your work and pass, what will undoubtedly be, a judgment
you do not agree with. But hey, if you manage to get some of their good
graces (if they have any), you're either gonna win $500 or a DV Camera!
So stop complaining, stop procrastinating, stop hypothesizing about the
inevitable bitterness you feel when no one understands your work. Just send
it in and let us do the rest. Trust us, you'll feel so much better about it.
For more info go to http://www.supersphere.com/15fps/Submission.html
You'll be glad you did.
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