Winter Soldier DVD now available!
Wed, 19 Apr 2006 10:26:14 EDT
Dear friends,
Pardon us for the cross-posting, but we at Milliarium Zero are pleased to
announce that the DVD of WINTER SOLDIER is now available! The documentary about
the Vietnam Veterans Against the War's three-day conference in Detroit back in
1971 was recently re-released around the country to critical acclaim. Ann
Hornaday of the Washington Post wrote: "Dazzling! An eloquent, unforgettable tale
of profound moral reckoning.
Everyone should see Winter Soldier!"
The price is $24.95 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling in the US, $6 to
Canada, $8 for overseas. We accept credit cards, checks and institutional
purchase orders.
You can see the trailer for the film at
Winter Soldier has many bonus features including
A Conversation with the Filmmakers (18 minutes)
Seasoned Veteran: The Journey of a Winter Soldier (40 minutes)
Americal Division (23 minutes)
First Marine Division (18 minutes)
Song: “Oh! Camil” by Graham Nash
Theatrical trailer
“The Winter Soldier Files” 1500 pages downloadable on DVD-Rom
(Adobe®Acrobat®Reader® Required.)
Stills Gallery from the original negatives of VVAW photographer Sheldon
Closed Captioning.
German and French subtitles.
Zone Free for international use.
See below on how to order!
If you are interested in screening the film to the public
or need Public Performance rights for any reason, please contact us at the
number below.
Best regards,
Dennis Doros, Amy Heller and Nadja Tennstedt
Milliarium Zero/Milestone Film & Video
PO Box 128
Harrington Park, NJ 07640
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How To Order:
By Phone: Please call (800) 603-1104. We’re in the office 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time, Monday – Friday. At other times, please leave a
message. Outside the US and Canada, call (201) 767-3117.
By Fax and Email: You can fax us at (201) 767-3035 or email us at
[log in to unmask] We accept institutional purchase orders.
By Mail: To prepay, please send a check or money order (payable in US$ drawn
on a US bank only) to: Milliarium ZERO, PO Box 128, Harrington Park, NJ 07640.
Shipping Fees:
In the US: Add $5.00 for the first DVD and 75¢ for each additional.
To Canada: Add $6.00 for the first DVD and $1.00 for each additional.
Overseas: Add $6.00 for the first DVD and $3.00 for each additional
New Jersey residents: Please add 6% sales tax.
WINTER SOLDIER. A film by Fred Aronow, Nancy Baker, Joe Bangert, Rhetta
Barron, Robert Fiore, David Gillis, David Grubin, Jeff Holstein, Barbara Jarvis, Al
Kaupas, Barbara Kopple, Mark Lenix, Michael Lesser, Lee Osborne, Lucy Massie
Phenix, Roger Phenix, Benay Rubenstein and Michael Weil. With John Kerry,
Scott Camill & the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. 95 minutes. B&W and color.
Contains Adult Content. 1972. ©1972 Winterfilm Collective. Special Bonus
Material and Artwork: © 2006 Milliarium Zero. Not Rated.
Retail price: $24.95. UPC Code: 784148010045. ISBN Number: 1-56730-437-0.
Order number: Mile 00100.
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