Re: Query: Representations of Male-Male prison rape
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:35:36 +1100
Try the australian film _Ghosts...of the Civil Dead_
also, the _birdman of alcatraz_ (i think - the clint eastwood one) has a
brief moment in the showers, as does the eastwood film _Heartbreak Ridge_
although these are not strictly rape scenes, more suggestions of prison sex.
At 23:59 24/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear H-FILM and SCREEN-L:
>A friend of mine is working on a project on prison rape and was looking
>for suggestions of film and tv depictions of male/male prison rape, either
>explicit or implied. He's interested in both dramatic and comedic
>representations (ie, the typical scenes of a man being locked up with
>another prisoner who coyly suggests they get to know each other better...)
>Any suggestions would be welcomed. email me at [log in to unmask]
>Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
Gil Woodley
Department of English
University of Qld
3365 1414
"The trick is to get comfortable with productive paradox"
Brian Massumi
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