DVD authoring and libel
Tue, 5 Jul 2005 14:32:43 -0400
Miles Tudor, one of the authors of Decca's DVD of _The Death of Klinghoffer_, claimed that my assertion of his and Philip Rowands's incompetence authoring this DVD is libel. He also claimed that what I desire is a pan and scan version of the film, which I turned around abd told him was libellous, since all I want is the film to play in its correct ratio, rather than squeezing. The settings of my player have been checked and double checked, but I've never gotten the disc, which has a SRP of $29.99, to play properly. I had the same problem with _Monsters, Inc._ and a Disney technician admitted that the problem was incompatibility. As far as I'm concerned, if compatibility is an issue, it should state as such on the box. The vast majority of 16x9 enhanced discs play properly on my player. I can only conclude that the few that do not are incompetent.
Am I in the wrong wrong for broadcasting this incompatibility? I believe it's important for consumers to be informed of it so they don't waste money on an unwatchable DVD like I did.
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