Re: No Lies
Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:10:19 -0500
"No Lies" was directed by Mitchell Block in 1973. You might look at a
book called "Cutting Edge: Art Horror and the Horrific Avant garde" by
Joan Hawkins. The film is mentioned seeral times in the book (especially
in relationship to Yoko Ono's film, "Rape") and the author provides an
excellent list of video distributors at the back of the book.
On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Sarah L. Higley wrote:
> Does anyone know a film (I don't have the director's name) called _No
> Lies_? From what I can gather, it's an artfilm shot like a documentary
> and all about a woman who is being stalked. Like The Blair Witch Project,
> you find out at the end that the whole thing has been fabricated, and
> there is a reference to it in Steve Mohn's NYReview on the BWP. I can't
> get any information about that film; it's not listed in the Internet Movie
> Database, which is usually fairly thorough. Does anyone here know this
> film and can tell me how to get it or to see a review of it?
> Thanks in advance; working hard on our Blair Witch volume...
> Sarah
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