Good News in Fight for Academic Freedom (fwd)
Tue, 6 Dec 1994 14:52:37 -0600
An update from Iowa...
Julie Friedline ([log in to unmask])
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 00:26:35 -0600
From: Norman Clark <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list COMGRADS
<[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Good News in Fight for Academic Freedom
Good News from Iowa!
Please, spread this message around to any appropriate lists. And my
appologies if you have already read this message.
A lot has been happening at the University of Iowa since I last sent
out a message. For those new to this issue, here at Iowa the
Campaign for Academic Freedom (CAF) has been fighting a
Regent's-imposed policy that states faculty must warn students of
any "unusual or unexpected materials" in classes. This policy was
imposed because of the complaints of three or four students about
being "exposed" to homosexual materials in the classroom (the film
_Paris is Burning_ in one case). We have been fighting this policy
on the grounds that it limits academic freedom and creates an
unhealthy climate for learning (I have several recent examples of
student complaints for those interested, including complaints about
discussions of NAFTA, the Bible, having the word "wine" on a Spanish
vocabulary quiz, and more).
I want to thank all those who sent letters of support to Dean Jones
and other administrators at the U, and to say that your efforts were
not in vain. I also want to thank the ACLU, AAUP, SCA Freedom of
Expression Committee, and countless other organizations who have
also adopted resolutions expressing their disgust at this policy.
In the past month, the Regents came to Iowa City and CAF held a
rally on the Pentacrest (despite Dean Jone's banning of CAF from
holding any rallies for a year on the Pentacrest). Turnout was very
high, and we marched down to the Union where the Regents were
meeting. We were allowed to enter the room and present our
petitions to the Regents. A few days later, the head of the Board
of Regents Marvin Berenstein told the President of the Faculty
Senate (Richard Hurtig) that he would be willing to look at a
revised version of the policy if the Faculty Senate were to draft
one. However, this revised version would still have to carry a
warning label statement.
Tonight (Tuesday, Nov. 29) the Faculty Council met to discuss (among
other issues) the policy. At this meeting members of CAF spoke,
urging the Faculty Senate to denounce the policy. The Faculty
Council agreed that the warning phrase which had been added by
Presdient Hunter Rawlings to a policy the Faculty Senate had
ratified was not merely a compromise, but a restriction on academic
freedom. In a unanimous vote, the Faculty Council went on the
record as "opposing the warning regarding unusual or unexpected
Finally, one year after the Regents imposed this policy which the
Faculty Senate did not approve, the Faculty Council denounced the
policy. This is a significant step, even though at the moment it is
really only symbolic. What now needs to occur is for the entire
Faculty Senate to approve this motion and go on the record as
opposing the Board of Regent's policy, and offer a proactive policy
that instead of restricting free debate of ideas, encourages it.
We're very excited about this development. The opposition to the policy
can no longer be shrugged off as "just a few radicals." I would encourage
you to please take a moment to send a message of support to the president
of the Faculty Senate, Richard Hurtig, urging him to continue to fight for
the removal of "warning labels" on classroom content. Prof. Hurtig's
address is [log in to unmask] .
Thanks for reading this rather long post, and thanks for your
support. We couldn't have made it without you, and we still need
your help to finish this battle.
Norman Clark
Campaing for Academic Freedom
University of Iowa
p.s. If you would like more information about this policy and the
fight against it, please send me a message at
[log in to unmask]
and I'll send you all I've got.