| DEPORTED Documentary Available for Educational Purchase
Tue, 30 Sep 2014 10:42:38 -0400
*| DEPORTED Documentary Available for Educational Purchase*
*"DEPORTED takes an unflinching look at the plight of Haitian deportees
trying to desperately integrate in a foreign society that is less than
*Alexandra Phanor-Faury, Ebony Magazine*
*"Since the immigration debate almost never takes up issues affecting
blacks, DEPORTED offered us a rare, important opportunity to sound the
alarm on and inspire dialogue concerning crucial issues impacting many
immigrants and their families."*
*Leslie Fields-Cruz, Black Public Media*
*Third World Newsreel is proud to announce the educational release of
Rachèle Magloire & Chantal Regnault's DEPORTED, a new documentary film
about members of a unique group of outcasts in Haiti: criminal deportees
from North America.*
Through the portraits and interviews of four deportees in Haiti and their
families in North America, DEPORTED presents the tragedy of broken lives,
forced separation from American children and spouses, and alienation and
stigmatization endured in a country they don't know and don't understand, a
country that most of them left at a very early age.
Since 1996, the United States has implemented a policy of repatriation of
all foreign residents who have been convicted of crimes. Every two weeks,
about 50 Haitian nationals are deported from the United States; 40 percent
are convicted legal residents who completed their jail sentence in America.
To a lesser extent, Canada applies a similar policy. DEPORTED, winner of
Best Documentary Award at the Vues D'Afrique International Film Festival,
goes far beyond the borders of Haiti and addresses the global issue of
migratory policies.
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watch trailer
download free discussion guide
*| How to Order*
*Credit Cards Orders*
Visit www.twn.org and use our shopping cart system, which works with
PayPal, OR download our order form and fax the form to (212) 594-6417, OR
call (212) 947-9277 ext, 11 to place your order over the phone.
*Institutional Purchase Orders*
Purchase orders are accepted only from Higher Education Institutions,
Schools, Public Libraries, Corporations, and Government Agencies when
printed on institutional letterhead. Submit your purchase order by fax, (212)
594-6417, email, [log in to unmask] or mail: Third World Newsreel, 545 8th Avenue,
Suite 550, New York, NY 10018.
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